Melissa’s new book *Feel Good*

Hello, Melissa here! Please say hello to my new cookbook… FEEL GOOD :  100 quick and easy recipes to bring a bit of comfort and joy into our kitchens and beyond. Coming 2nd June 2022! FEEL GOOD  is all about exploring how food and cooking makes us feel. Comforted, connected, energised, calmer, grounded, satisfied and soothed and more. I’ve been so excited to share this with you, I’ve been squirreling away on it for the last 2 years and here it is. FEEL GOOD FOOD  is how I’ve long described how I like to cook end eat at home. More and more of us are cooking with both our mental and physical health in mind. So these are my favourite recipes that help me feel supported. Recipes that I turn to when I’m low on energy and want to feel brighter. Recipes that are so easy that they are a joy to cook and make me feel more confident. Food that helps me feel calmer and more grounded and big sharing recipes for when friends come over and I want to spoil them and show them love but also I want to

Where I find my Inspiration

    So, here I'm here in my thoughts about what inspires me. There are many things that inspire me like one my two wonderful children. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for my children.There is always something that we don't like or not having things go our way. I myself have been through a lot of obstacles when it comes to parenting or relationships. Being a single mother is very overwhelming.Going to work, cleaning house, trying to stay on a routine. No body said parenting would be easy. I always thought to myself I wasn't being good enough for my children I thought I was doing everything wrong. Parenting doesn't come with an instruction manual, right? We just have to make the best of it.

I've learned a lot along the way. I have always been the person that seemed like I wasn't good at anything. Then one day, I decided I didn't want to live my life the way it was going. I read a book called, 'Attitude is Everything' by Jeff Keller. I decided that I wanted to change the way I see things in life.  Life is too short to be anything but happy. Some days are very overwhelming, but how you handle it is totally different. I am a strong woman, I have handled a lot. With the motivation, I read the Bible and starting praying. I was able to go to work with a positive attitude some days was questionable, but i managed to get through it. Working in a factory is not easy, but I make the most of it. I have wonderful friends that I work with. With the support from my friends I work with they see the potential in me. We all have a sense of humor, and have fun at work. Who doesn't like to have a little bit of fun while your working? Me i'm all about fun. My personality tells a lot bout me as a person.

What inspires me...
When I think of what really motivates me, all it comes down to my one main subject, and that would be my two children. When I first became a mom, I knew what i had to do, and that was to do whatever it took to take care of my children. I switched from a fast food job to not really making anything to going into factory work. I never thought I wouldn't work in a factory. I always had that fear, but i decided to step up because being a single mother doing it all by herself, barely keeping up with the bills. The struggle was real! When I see my children they inspire me everyday to do better. I want my children to be raised right. All I can do is the best to my ability. My Friends and family are my big supporters.  They have a lot of faith in me. I'm a very productive person. . I have many hobbies that keep me busy on a daily basis. Some days I just like to be with my children, and watch movies all day. Twelve hour swing shifts really get to me some days, but I get through it. I make time to clean house, dance with my children, those are the best memories I make with my children. They are still young, but when they get older I can bring back those memories to when they were little, and smile.

Smiling all the time is very infectious. Those around you will get that good vibe, and you will get a smile back. I'm the type of person that likes to compliment people. One good compliment no matter what it is like 'You look really good today', it could make any ones day. If your willing to make a change in your life, it all starts with your attitude. If you have a bad attitude, most likely it will infect everyone around you, and will have a bad day. How you handle yourself in a situation depends on your attitude.

'If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.' I would have to say that this quote is one of my favorite quotes. Why? because I have faced a lot of obstacles in my life. I didn't like how I use to be. So I have learned from my past mistakes, and current mistakes, but it only makes us stronger. I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't face the obstacles I went through. I have no regrets. I'm making the most out of my life, and smiling any chance I get. Life is too short, so don't waste anytime. Be happy! choose to be happy. keep your family and friends close you may never know when it will be their last. Remember your attitude is everything, so if you don't like something that's going on in your life. Motivate yourself to change something.


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